Most patients get nervous when they hear the words ‘root canal treatment.’  Yes, there are many apprehensions regarding this treatment. But is root canal remedy something to be feared, or does it provide relief? Let us find the ‘root’ of the problem. Here’s a guide to common concerns about Root Canal Treatment.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment essentially involves the effective removal of the damaged pulp tissues in tooth and saving your natural tooth instead of extracting it. Also referred to as endodontic treatment (endo- inside, don’t- tooth). Root canal treatment is done when the inside or pulp of the tooth gets inflamed or infected due to various reasons like deep decay, injured or cracked tooth, or other dental procedures. If it is not treated on time, it can cause sharp pain or lead to the spread of the infection.

Contrary to common misconception, modern endodontic treatment is a painless and effective procedure to relieve your pain and save your natural tooth.

Symptoms indicating the need for Root Canal Treatment

  • You experience mild to severe toothache
  • An extra-sensitive tooth which reacts to hot or cold foods
  • Tooth becomes tender on touching or chewing
  • Discoloration of tooth
  • Swelling in the nearby gums

The Procedure of Root Canal Treatment

  1. The procedure begins by giving a local anesthetic which will numb the tooth and surrounding areas ensuring a painless treatment.
  2. Next, a small opening is created in your tooth cavity to gain access to the infected/inflamed pulp.
  3. This is followed by root canal cleaning and disinfection. The pulp is cleaned from inside while simultaneously removing dead and dying tissue.
  4. The cleared canals are then specially shaped and sealed with filling materials.
  5. Lastly, they are coated with adhesive cement or a cap to ensure that they are completely sealed to prevent future infection.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

  • You can retain your natural teeth instead of having to extract them
  • It is a quick, painless and safe procedure
  • Your natural tooth becomes fully functional and healthy
  • Has a high success rate


The cost of Root canal treatment in Vadodara will depend on the type of tooth involved, complexity of procedure and need of the materials.
Pricing INR Pricing USD
3500 to 5000 50 to 100

Removal of your whole tooth can be a short-term way to relieve the pain. But in the long term, tooth loss can lead to other problems like inability to chew, biting problems, shifting of teeth position, difficulty in eating, and so on.

No. A root canal treatment is relatively comfortable and often painless. This is because your dentist will administer local anesthesia to the affected area so you will not feel any pain during the procedure. In reality, root canal treatment does not cause pain but relives it.

Sometimes after the treatment, you may experience a sensitive or tender tooth due to inflammation of the surrounding tissues. But this can be overcome by taking pain killers prescribed by your dentist.

Usually, a root canal treatment involves two or more visits to your dentist. However, in case of severe infection or complications in the treatment, the number of appointments may vary accordingly.

Aftercare of root-treated teeth is very important. Practice good oral hygiene. Avoid chewing on that tooth. Gently brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Cut down on sugary foods and avoid acidic beverages. Go for routine dental check-ups and cleanings.

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